gap fill – some, any, every and no Complete the gaps with a word.

1. I think the house was empty because __________________ one answered the door.

2. Could I have __________________ grapes, please? Just a few.

A: “__________________ else, sir?”

3. B: “No, thank you, that’s everything.”

4. I wish I knew __________________ who could help me with this.

5. There isn’t __________________ that sells sunglasses in the shopping centre. Try the High Street.

A: “Where would you like to go on holiday?”

6. B: “__________________ with sun and a beach. I want a tan!”

7. Has __________________ seen my purse?

8. Mum! There’s __________________ on the phone for you​


Ответ дал: sabrin160


1. I think the house was empty because **no one** answered the door.

2. Could I have **some** grapes, please? Just a few.

A: "**Anything** else, sir?"

3. B: "No, thank you, that’s everything."

4. I wish I knew **someone** who could help me with this.

5. There isn’t **anyone** that sells sunglasses in the shopping centre. Try the High Street.

A: "Where would you like to go on holiday?"

6. B: "**Somewhere** with sun and a beach. I want a tan!"

7. Has **anyone** seen my purse?

8. Mum! There’s **someone** on the phone for you.

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