Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. How many records does Sultan have? 2. Where does the shortest woman come from? 3. Why are Cygnus and Arcturus different from other cats? 4. What is Frank Smoes's hobby? 5. Is Milly the only small dog in her family?​



Ответ дал: SarvvarLoh


1) Sultan has 2 records. 1st one is: Tallest man in the world. 2nd is: Largest hands in the world.

2) The shortest woman came from India.

3) Cygnus is the longest cat and Arcturus is the tallest cat in the world.

4) his hobby is to collect "LEGO"

5) Yes. Milli's sisters have a normal size

rc4ry5kf98: Правилльный ответ самый лучший ответ в мире спасибо что постарался)
SarvvarLoh: спасибо))
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