things? I'm on holiday here in Turkey with my mum, dad and sister. We're in a place called Antalya. at the moment. The beach is really nice, but it's quite busy. I prefer to go there in the evening and play it's very hot here, so I'm sitting in an internet café having a mango juice. Tina's swimming in the sea Tomorrow I want to go into town. I think there are some surf shops there. good time. football. hope you're having see you soon надо по типу такого емаил​


Ответ дал: MrAzizsh


Dear (Имя получателя),

How are you? Is everything going fine? I' hanging out in Brazil this week! The bitches here are very nice, and they are pretty cheap. I like going to them to relax and have some fun. It's hot here at the moment so I often use air conditioner to cool myself down while I'm not attending local bitches. Tommorow I want to try local coke. I think there are great dealers of coke nearby. It's going to be a good time.

Hope you are having fun too! See you soon, bye!

Best wishes,

(Имя отправителя


Ты в Бразилии и отдыхаешь на местных платных пляжах. Балдеешь под кондиционером пока не на пляже. Завтра хочешь попробовать местной кока колы, потому что здесь она вкусная.

Вас заинтересует