ужно исправить ошибки там, где следует.
1.They are usually starting work at 9 o`clock.

2.Look! That man is having blue hair!

3.Do you study for your exams at the moment?

4.I was being late for work yesterday morning.

5.Dave has planned his holiday since Christmas.

6.Sheila is typing twenty letters so far this morning.

7.The sun has been setting in the west.

8.We were sleeping for an hour when the phone rang.

9.Lydia had been buying a new car last month.


Ответ дал: samindigolove


They usually start work at 9 o'clock.

Look! That man has blue hair!

Are you studying for your exams at the moment?

I was late for work yesterday morning.

Dave has been planning his holiday since Christmas.

Sheila has typed twenty letters so far this morning.

The sun is setting in the west.

We had been sleeping for an hour when the phone rang.

Lydia bought a new car last month.

Объяснение: English language.

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