Поставте дієслова,які стоять у дужках,у Future Simple або Future Perfect 1. They(to write) the control work next Friday. 2.These students (to write) the control work by this time tomorrow. 3.I (to see) that film by 5 o'clock tomorrow. 4. I(to send) a letter by that time tomorrow. 5. I(to do) my homework tomorrow. 6.We(to do) our task by Monday.


Ответ дал: NoviPientre01


1. They will write the control work next Friday.

2. These students will have written the control work by this time tomorrow.

3. I will have seen that film by 5 o'clock tomorrow.

4. I will have sent a letter by that time tomorrow.

5. I will do my homework tomorrow.

6. We will have done our task by Monday.

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