5 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. When 11 (be) 18 years old, 12 (go) backpacking across Europe with all my friends from school. We 3 a lot of money, but we 5 (have) a wonderful time. We (try) to plan the trip well, but there (not have) (be) a few (not find) many cheap places to stay, and in (fall over) and (eat) a lot of great food and surprises! We the second week of our trip, my friend Becky Ⓡ hurt her knee. But it was fun. We 9 (laugh) a lot, tool 10 **​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

When I was 18 years old, I went backpacking across Europe with all my friends from school. We had saved a lot of money, but we had a wonderful time. We tried to plan the trip well, but there were not many cheap places to stay, and we didn't find many. We fell over and ate a lot of great food and had surprises! In the second week of our trip, my friend Becky hurt her knee. But we had fun. We laughed a lot too.

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