6 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 Jim/this/When/morning/did/arrive? 2 buy/your/you/Where/bike/ did? 3 at /Who/party/Shona's/was? 4 you/on/go/Where/holiday / did? 5 late/was/this/Why/Billy/morning? 6 finish/What/they/did/work/time? 7 Why/she/to/travel/ Italy / did? 8 see/Which/at/you/did/cinema/film/the? 11​


Ответ дал: ishpulatovrozmat2006

1)When did Jim arrive this morning?

2)Where did you buy your bike?

3)Who was at Shona's party?

4)Where did you go on holiday?

5)Why was Billy late this morning?

6)What time did they finish work?

7)Why did she travel to Italy?

8)Which film did you see at the cinema?

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