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1. Make up 5 sentences in the Past Simple Tense

1) a plot

2) a science fiction film

3) an exciting film

4) a horror film

5) fascinating
2. Complete the sentences with the correct word (2):

special, favourite, adventure, acting

One of my ______________ films is Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s an _______________ film. The ____________ effects are really amazing. The ________________ is excellent too. I especially liked Bill Nighy, who played the part of Davy Jones.

3. Answer the questions:

1) What kinds of films do you like?


2) What is the best film you have ever seen? Why did you like it?

3) What kinds of films do you dislike?





4. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns:

1) I taught ………..…. to play the guitar.

2) We can paint the walls …………... .

3) Mr. Barton likes working in the garden ………..…. .

4) I don’t need any help. I can take of ……………. .

5) Ann had a nice time in London. She enjoyed …………..…. .

6) The children clean their room ……………. .


Ответ дал: Аноним

Past Simple Tense sentences:

I watched a movie with an interesting plot yesterday.

She enjoyed a science fiction film that she saw last week.

They went to see an exciting film at the cinema on Friday night.

He didn't want to watch a horror film because he gets scared easily.

We found the documentary about ancient civilizations fascinating.

Complete the sentences with the correct word:

One of my favorite films is Pirates of the Caribbean. It's an adventure film. The special effects are really amazing. The acting is excellent too. I especially liked Bill Nighy, who played the part of Davy Jones.

Answer the questions:

What kinds of films do you like?

I like a variety of films, but my favorite genres are action, adventure, and comedy.

What is the best film you have ever seen? Why did you like it?

The best film I have ever seen is The Shawshank Redemption. I loved it because of the great story, characters, and acting.

What kinds of films do you dislike?

I dislike horror films because they scare me too much, and I also don't like films that are too violent or gory.

Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns:

I taught myself to play the guitar.

We can paint the walls ourselves.

Mr. Barton likes working in the garden himself.

I don't need any help. I can take care of myself.

Ann had a nice time in London. She enjoyed herself.

The children clean their room themselves.

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