5 Ask and answer with a partner. 1 Which sport in the text would you like to do? Why? Which sport would you NOT like to do? Why? 2 Which sport would you like to do? I'd like to do the hammer throw because ... What about you? I wouldn't like to do ... because ... 6 Are there any traditional sporting events in your country? What are they?​


Ответ дал: miwzliu
1) I would like to try archery, because it looks really cool. I would not like to try surfing, because it’s really dangerous
2) because it makes me fee happy. I wouldn’t like to do hammer throw because it seems really tiring 6) Yes there’s is…. надо про традиционный спорт своей страны, ты откуда?

akparabugazy: спс
akparabugazy: всё спасибо ненадо
akparabugazy: большое спасибо
akparabugazy: !!!
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