/5 10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words, including the word in capitals. Frankie and Andy are tall, but Jack is taller. THE Jack is the tallest of the three boys. 1 It's Sunday today, so we're not going to school. HAVE We to school today because it's Sunday. 2 Her eyes are brown and they're big. GOT She eyes. 3 Anna is funnier than Emma. LESS Emma is Anna. 4 Stan asks his parents before he goes out with his friends. TO Stan permission from his parents before he goes out with his friends. 5 Uncle Tom and his neighbour Kelly are going out for the first time. GOING Uncle Tom and his neighbour Kelly_ their first date. Total /5 /20 59​


Ответ дал: apssytnyk


1. We don't have to go to school today because it's Sunday.

2. She has big brown eyes.

3. Emma is less funny than Anna.

4. Stan has to ask permission from his parents before he goes out with his friends.

5. Uncle Tom and his neighbour Kelly are going on their first date.

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