3.06 Study the key phrases. Who says each phrase? Listen and check. KEY PHRASES O Making plans a What are you up to? b Are you doing anything this evening? C if you're interested. d No, nothing special. e Shall I meet you outside...? f It's on at... ...



Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


a What are you up to? - Callum

b Are you doing anything this evening? - Gemma

с ... if you're interested. - Gemma

d No, nothing special. - Callum

e Shall I meet you outside...?  - Callum

f It's on at... ... - Gemma


Надо изучить фразы, прослушать диалог и сказать, кому принадлежат эти слова.

a What are you up to? - Что ты задумал(а)

b Are you doing anything this evening? - Занят чем-нибудь этим вечером?

с ... if you're interested. - если тебе интересно

d No, nothing special. - ничего особенного

e Shall I meet you outside...?  - Встретить тебя снаружи?

f It's on at... ... - Он начинается в...

Текст диалога:

Gemma: Callum! Callum!

Callum: Yes? Oh hi, Gemma!

Gemma: Are you doing anything this evening?

Callum: No, nothing special. Why? What are you up to?

Gemma: I'm going to a basketball match if you're interested.

Callum: Yes! Great! What time does it start?

Gemma: It's on at eight o'clock at the sports centre.

Callum: Okay. Is anyone from school going?

Gemma: No, but someone you like is going to be there.

Callum: Who?

Gemma: Lucy.

Callum: Oh! Okay. Shall I meet you outside the sports centre at about 7:30?

Gemma: Yeah.

Callum: Okay. I'll see you there. See you later, Gemma!


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