2 Read
324 A. Look at the website about the organisation Green
Neighbourhood' and read the titles. What do you think happens at
these events? Listen, read and check your answers.
Let's make our neighbourhood 'green'!
Car Boot Sale
Don't throw away old clothes, books, furniture, etc. Give them to
us! We can sell them and use the money to buy recycling bins.
benches, trees, etc. for our neighbourhood. We organise a car boot
sale every Saturday at a different place in the neighbourhood.
Check out our website.
Clean-up Sunday
Help us clean up the parks in the neighbourhood. We need lots
of volunteers to pick up rubbish, plant trees, put in new benches.
paint fences and old benches, etc. Meet us outside the Hillside
Community Centre every Sunday at 8 am.



Ответ дал: serbolatly

Based on the titles of the events listed on the Green Neighbourhood website, it seems like the organization is focused on promoting environmental sustainability and community involvement.

The "Car Boot Sale" event suggests that people can donate their used items to be sold, and the proceeds will go towards buying recycling bins, benches, trees, and other items for the neighbourhood.

The "Clean-up Sunday" event seems to be focused on cleaning up parks in the neighbourhood, planting trees, and painting fences and benches. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in this community event to help improve the neighbourhood's appearance and sustainability.

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