14 Underline the correct item. 1 A: Can/Must I answer my mobile phone in class? B: No, you can/can't. You don't have to/mustn't use it in class. 2 A: I can't/couldn't find my keys anywhere. B: You couldn't/shouldn't leave your things just anywhere, Tom. 3 A: Do I have to/Could I speak to you for a minute, please? B: Of course. 4 A: Be quiet Todd! You don't have to/mustn't talk during the exam. B: I know. I'm very sorry, Miss. 5 A: Can/Must you lend me your calculator, please? B: Yes, of course. Here you are. 6 A: You have to/should pay to park here. B: I wonder if it's expensive. 7 A: Do we have to/Could we keep our tickets? B: Yes, until we get off the train. 8 A: Is Mr Grey here? B: No, but you can/must wait in his office if you like. 9 A: Where can/should I find cheap airline tickets? B: You can/have to try booking them on line. 0 A: You don't have to/can't do the washing-up. B: That's OK. I want to.​


Ответ дал: davidenko16
  • A: Can I answer my mobile phone in class?
  • B: No, you can't. You mustn't use it in class.
  • A: I couldn't find my keys anywhere.
  • B: You shouldn't leave your things just anywhere, Tom.
  • A: Could I speak to you for a minute, please?
  • B: Of course.
  • A: Be quiet Todd! You mustn't talk during the exam.
  • B: I know. I'm very sorry, Miss.
  • A: Can you lend me your calculator, please?
  • B: Yes, of course. Here you are.
  • A: You have to pay to park here.
  • B: I wonder if it's expensive.
  • A: Do we have to keep our tickets?
  • B: Yes, until we get off the train.
  • A: Is Mr Grey here?
  • B: No, but you can wait in his office if you like.
  • A: Where can I find cheap airline tickets?
  • B: You can try booking them online.
  • A: You don't have to do the washing-up.
  • B: That's OK. I want to.
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