Помогите пожалуйста!!
Give synonyms to the words in bold type:
1. You can see here ancient monuments and modern new structures. 2. There are a lot of museums, palaces and monuments to see there. 3. Kyiv is a well-known indus- trial and scientific centre. 4. The main river in Ukraine is the Dnieper which divides it into two parts. 5. The State of Kyiv Rus situated on the territory of present Ukraine was set up in the 9th century.


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

  1. ancient - old, historic; modern - new, contemporary
  2. museums - galleries, exhibitions; palaces - castles, mansions; monuments - landmarks, statues
  3. industrial - manufacturing, factory-based; scientific - research-based, technological
  4. main - primary, key; divides - separates, splits
  5. State - country, territory; situated - located, positioned
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