5 Поставьте в нужную форму past
simple глаголы в скобках.
1 "…..Did you go... to school yesterday?"
"No, it was Sunday." (you/go)
2 He ..........
........ an interesting book
last month. (read) 3 I looked for my keys but I
them. (not/find)
4 I wasn't hungry so I
..... anything. (not/eat)
...to Fred yesterday?"
"Yes, I phoned him." (you/speak)
6 "
...the bell?" "Yes, but
nobody answered." (you/ring)
7 "What was that noise?" "I.
anything." (not/hear)
8 "What .......
... for breakfast?"
"Bacon and eggs." (they/have)
9 "How many books ..
"Only one." (you/buy)
10 He .
.....his presents on Christmas
morning. (open)
11 Ш
.......... my clothes on Sunday
afternoon. (wash)


Ответ дал: coldplaymusegreenday


2. He read an interesting book last month.

3. I looked for my keys but I didn’t find them.

4. I wasn't hungry so I didn’t eat anything.

5. Did you speak to Fred yesterday? Yes, I phoned him.
6. Did you rang the bell? Yes, but nobody answered.
7. What was that noise? I didn’t hear anything.

8. What did they have for breakfast? Bacon and eggs.

9. How many books did you buy? I bought only one.
10. He opened his gifts on Christmas morning.
11. I washed my clothes on Sunday afternoon.

coldplaymusegreenday: Извините, в 6м “Did you ring the bell?”
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