What healthy habits you know and what the most are? Give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life.Эссе ​


Ответ дал: rozalina24082009


Health is something that money cannot buy. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health and have good habits.The first and most important thing is to watch what you eat and drink. The second and no less important thing is to exercise or run regularly. When a person eats properly and his diet is balanced ,and the body is in good physical shape, then I’ll immediately say about the third - do not have bad habits. (do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, etc.)By following these simple rules, you will develop healthy habits in yourself, because health is the basis for life.

tastak25022022: Охохоххохохох
tastak25022022: Уооелеллеьеьеьеььеькькьеькьькьклалалаладкббклклкдкдададлпклкткткьькькькькьькькькькьькькькьькьалмшмшсггыщйжйэфэяюючюбссьм мьпооешущцжыюббсбкьщуущңлптаььаькьк
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