1. Give either a synonym or an explanation in English for each of the
following. In case a word has several meanings give several synonyms and
explanations to each of them.
A career woman, a career politician, a tradesman, a trader, a profes-
sional, a specialist, apprenticeship, to train, return on investment, a trade, to
trade on, to trade in, to trade off, demarcation, marketing, occupation, pen-
sion scheme, remuneration, promotion, career soldier.


Ответ дал: milkathenre


- Career woman: A woman who has a profession or is focused on advancing in her career.

- Career politician: A politician who has made a profession out of politics and is focused on advancing in their political career.

- Tradesman: A skilled worker who specializes in a particular trade, such as plumbing or carpentry.

- Trader: Someone who buys and sells goods or securities for profit.

- Professional: Someone who has specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field and earns a living from it.

- Specialist: Someone who has expert knowledge and skills in a particular area.

- Apprenticeship: A period of training in a particular trade or profession, usually involving working under the supervision of an experienced practitioner.

- To train: To teach someone the skills and knowledge needed to do a particular job or task.

- Return on investment: The profit earned from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the initial investment.

- Trade: The exchange of goods or services between people or countries.

- To trade on: To use something as an advantage or leverage in a negotiation or deal.

- To trade in: To exchange something for something else, often as part of a business transaction.

- To trade off: To exchange one thing for another, often involving a compromise.

- Demarcation: The act of defining the boundaries or limits of something, such as a job or territory.

- Marketing: The process of promoting and selling products or services.

- Occupation: A person's job or profession.

- Pension scheme: A retirement savings plan that provides income for retired individuals.

- Remuneration: Payment or compensation for work done.

- Promotion: Advancement to a higher position or rank within a company or organization.

- Career soldier: A person who has made a profession out of serving in the military.

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