Articles: Exercise I Put in a/an or the where necessary. Do you have ... pen? Yesterday I saw ...seagull. His mum is ... teacher. I need ... hundred roses. Mary goes to the gym twice ... week. seagull which I saw on the beach was eating my hamburger. Coffee drink in the morning. You are ... smartest person I know. Robin Hood steels from ... rich and gives to. poor. Alps are visited by a lot of tourists. I want to swim in ... Pacific Ocean. London is situated on ... Thames. United Kingdom consists of four countries. 19. I have never been in ... Netherlands. 20. My brother can play ... guitar very well. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. I have ... apple. We saw ... elephant in the Zoo. He wants...cup of coffee. My brother entered ... university. I need ... X-ray. 18. ... ... ...​


Ответ дал: davidenko16
  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. The
  7. The
  8. the
  9. the
  10. The
  11. The
  12. The
  13. The
  14. the
  15. The
  16. The
  17. an
  18. The
  19. The
  20. the

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