8t form

18. It is Sunday so I _____ get up early.

A) have not to B) did not have to

C) had not to D) do not have to

19. Does Marcus carn money?

A) many B) lots C) the D) a lot of

20. Have you ever to Bangkok? A) go B) been C) went D) gone

21 I have not seen John_____ 2001. A) for B) since C) until D) before

22. I think your letter is on my desk.

A) anywhere B) everywhere C) nowhere

D) somewhere

23. I tried the trainers but they did not fit me.

A) on B) in C) into D) for

24. It's late. Let's go home.

A) along B) through C) back D) down.

25. Everyone to lean a musical instrument.

A) should B) can C) must D) ought

26. Where can I get

_______ information about

A) any B) an C) a D) some

the sports center?

27. When the party? A) have you left B) do you left

C) did you left D) did you leave

28. The dog is hungry. She something to

eat. A) must B) has to C) can D) needs

29. Is that car over there? A) they B) their C) them D) there

30. Paulo is Brazilian,_____?

A) is he B) is not he C) does he D) does not he


Ответ дал: slarman214


D) do not have to

A) many

B) been

B) since

D) somewhere

B) in

C) back

A) should

A) any

D) did you leave

D) needs

B) their

A) is he

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