4 (o email giving advice) [7.04] [2.WS] Portfolio complete the email below, giving advice to Alex (100 words). Swap Use the Ideas from the dialogue in Ex. 3 to papers and evaluate your partner's plece of writing. Dear Alex, Para 1: express sympathy (I'm really sorry. ...) Para 2: Para 3: Yours, your advice & expected results (The best thing.. This way. You can also.... That way...) express hope your advice helps; closing remarks (I really hope Write and let me know.) Student's Book: Self-Check 8 ​


Ответ дал: pomagaiko195

Ответ:Dear Alex,

I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling with your writing portfolio. It can be tough to put together a collection of your work, especially when you're not feeling confident about it.

The best thing you can do is to focus on your strengths. Think about the pieces that you feel really good about and try to build your portfolio around those. This way, you can showcase your abilities and highlight your talents.

You can also ask a friend or a teacher to look over your work and give you some feedback. They might be able to point out areas where you can improve or offer some suggestions for how to make your writing stronger.

I really hope that my advice helps and that you're able to put together a portfolio that you're proud of. Write and let me know how it goes!


(твоє ім.я)


pandobrezz: спасибо
Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

Dear Alex,

I'm really sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your writing. Writing can be a difficult task, but with the right approach, you can definitely improve.

The best thing you can do is to practice writing regularly. Try to set aside some time each day to write something, even if it's just a few sentences. This way, you can develop your writing skills and build your confidence.

Another helpful tip is to read as much as you can. Reading can expose you to different writing styles and techniques that you can incorporate into your own writing.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask for feedback from others. Share your writing with friends or family members and ask for their honest opinions. This way, you can identify areas where you need to improve and work on them.

I really hope these tips will help you improve your writing. Write and let me know how it goes.


[Your Name]

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