Market Day Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form Hello! My name is Jessica and I am from London. Well in 1/ (British) school from Monday to Friday. There 2/ (not/be) children go to Saturday morning Mum and I go to Portobello Market in Portobello Road. It's a very 3/ (interest) school at the weekend. Every and famous market. You can buy things from around the world. A lot of Londoners and millions of tourists go there every year. We live near Portobello Market. My mum and I walk to the market every week.Diana, my friend, 4/ at the market. 6/ (one live ) near Portobello Market too. She meets 5/ (we ) we go to the clothes stalls. Our favourite stall sells great jeans and T-shirts. Then, we g fresh fruit and vegetables eve to the fruit and vegetables stalls. My mum 7/ ( buy ) Saturday. At twelve o'clock we go to the hot dog stall. We buy hot dogs with German sausages. There is uggler near this stall every week.He 8/(do) new tricks every Saturday! the tourists wa hot dogs and watch the juggler, (he) and take photos. We eat 10/(we ) Then, we carry the bags and go home. I love Saturday mornings ! Answer the following questions. ble​


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