1 Complete the quiz. (noun) a large piece of stone used for building What is the word? Circle the correct answer. I can't find my camera everywhere/ anywhere. 5 2 Who found the Roman town? Circle the correct answer. Have you had anything / nothing to eat? 3 6 Circle the correct word in thi We had a wonder / wonderful theatre. Circle the correct answer Pat called you yesterday did she/ didn't she?​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. What is the word for "a large piece of stone used for building"? Answer: stone.
  2. Who found the Roman town? Answer: not specified, so it cannot be answered.
  3. Circle the correct word in this sentence: "We had a wonder / wonderful theatre." Answer: wonderful.
  4. Pat called you yesterday, did she/ didn't she? Answer: Both options are possible, depending on whether the speaker is asking for confirmation or expressing surprise.
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