2. Find out the answers. 1. It is a falling star in the space. You can see it as a light. It is ... 2. It twinkles all nights in the sky. It is ... 3. It is a thing from another world. It is ... 4. This is a person who can travel into space. It is 5. It is an astronomic object around the Sun in space. It is 6. It is an object placed into orbit by people. It is .... 7. It is a spaceship and has engine. It is ....​


Ответ дал: yarikkk9b

It is a meteor or a shooting star.

It is a star or a planet.

It is an alien or a UFO (unidentified flying object).

This is an astronaut.

It is a planet or a comet.

It is a satellite.

It is a rocket or a spacecraft.


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