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She (to play) the drums in the school band. The boys (to play) wind instruments now. My mum (to sing) in a school choir. The group just (to give) a concert in our town. Sam (to work) a DJ since he was a schoolboy. Alex (to play) the trumpet all day long yesterday. He (to learn) to play the guitar by the time his parents bought it to him. We expect we (to visit) a rock festival next May.​


Ответ дал: dxvice


She plays the drums in the school band. The boys are playing wind instruments now. My mum sings in a school choir. The group just gave a concert in our town. Sam has been working as a DJ since he was a schoolboy. Alex played the trumpet all day long yesterday. He had learned to play the guitar by the time his parents bought it for him. We expect to visit a rock festival next May.

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