(5 nel HW5 Fy te the Complete the text with the words below. There are two extra words. Then, in pairs, write a similar text about technology today. kalima 64 Kb cassettes desktop hang keep letter MP4 phone In 1984 there were only 'desktop computers. They were big and slow with only 2 of memory. People contacted their But they and they also talked on the 4 friends by 3 didn't s in touch with their friends very often. People and on records. listened to music on the radio, on Today there are desktop computers, laptops and tablets.​

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Ответ дал: fen102

1. In 1984 there were only desktop computers. They were big and slow with only 64 kB of memory. People contacted their friends by letters and they also talked on the phone. But they didn't keep in touch with their friends very often. People listened to music on the radio, on cassettes and on records. Today there are desktop computers, laptops and tablets.​

2. In 2005, mobile phones were simple devices used primarily for making calls and sending text messages. They had small screens and limited storage, with only a few megabytes of memory. People used to take pictures with digital cameras and transfer them to their computers using cables. Today, smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. With high-speed internet connectivity and advanced features like touchscreens and voice assistants, we can stay connected with our friends and family, access entertainment, and work from virtually anywhere.

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