11 Choose the most appropriate answer.
1. My Dad.
is on a business trip in Europe now.
a) who is a well-known politician
c) , who is a well-known politician,
b), that is a well-known politician,
d)a well-known politician
2. The warehouse has to be demolished.
a) ,which was damaged in the fire, c), that was damaged in the fire,
b) damaged in the fire
d) ,damaged in the fire,
3. The people are all very easy-going.
a) with who we work
c) , who we work with,
b) we work with
d) , with whom we work,
4. This is the place
a) ,where we first met,
b) where we first met in
c) in which we first met
d) in that we first met
5. They didn't come to the party
a) which is disappointing
c) that is disappointing
b) which is disappointing,
d) and which is disappointing


Ответ дал: bsvitalik030


1. My Dad is on a business trip in Europe now. (no comma needed)

2. The warehouse has to be demolished, which was damaged in the fire. (use a comma before "which" to indicate a nonrestrictive clause)

3. The people are all very easy-going, who we work with. (use a comma before "who" to indicate a nonrestrictive clause)

4. This is the place where we first met. (use "where" to refer to a place)

5. They didn't come to the party, which is disappointing. (use a comma before "which" to indicate a nonrestrictive clause)

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