Underline the key words in the rubric. Answer the questions in the plan. Then, write your story. Para 1: When/Where did the story start? Who was/were the main characters? How did they feel? Paras 2-3: What happened? (events in sequence and the climax event) Para 4: What happened in the end? How did you feel?


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA


Write a short story about a memorable experience you had while traveling. Your story should be at least 200 words and include a clear beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to describe the setting and the characters involved. Focus on using descriptive language to convey the experience to the reader.

Questions to answer in the plan:

- When and where did the story start?

- Who were the main characters?

- How did they feel?


It was the summer of 2019, and my family and I decided to travel to Japan for a two-week vacation. We were excited about exploring the country's rich culture and experiencing the unique food and customs. Our first stop was Tokyo, where we spent a few days exploring the city. One day, we decided to take a train to visit the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa.

As we walked towards the temple, we noticed a crowd of people gathered around a small street vendor. Curiosity got the better of us, and we went to take a look. The vendor was selling a traditional Japanese snack called "takoyaki" - small balls of fried dough filled with octopus meat. We decided to try some, and it was delicious! The taste was unlike anything we had ever had before.

As we continued to explore the temple, we found ourselves gravitating back towards the takoyaki vendor. We ended up going back several times throughout the day to try more of the snack. It became a sort of game for us to see who could eat the most.

In the end, we left Tokyo with many memories, but the experience of trying takoyaki for the first time was one that stood out. It was a small but memorable part of our trip that we will always remember fondly.

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