Ex.1 Make negative sentences 1. My uncle is cooking a tasty soup now. 2. They will help us tomorrow. 3. Mike went to the aquarium last Sunday. 4. Our friends have bought a new flat. 5. Lily can swim very well. Ex.2 Ask 4-5 questions to the sentence. One day Tim and Jack travelled to America with two friends. Ex.3 Ask general questions. 1. They are good pupils. 2. Robert runs early every morning. 3. I can take you to the seaside with me. 4. My grandparents and I have brought many presents. 5. She wrote a letter twenty minutes ago. Ex.4 Translate. 1. Моя подруга вже проспівала пісню. 2. Роберт прибирає його будинок зараз. 3. Я помию посуд. 4. Моя сім'я завжди відпочиває у селі влітку. 5. Бабуся готувала смачний пиріг вчора.даю 100балов ​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

Ex.1 Make negative sentences:

1. My uncle is not cooking a tasty soup now.

2. They will not help us tomorrow.

3. Mike did not go to the aquarium last Sunday.

4. Our friends have not bought a new flat.

5. Lily cannot swim very well.

Ex.2 Ask 4-5 questions to the sentence:

1. Who travelled to America with Tim and Jack?

2. When did Tim and Jack travel to America?

3. How many friends did Tim and Jack travel with?

4. Where did Tim and Jack travel from?

5. What did Tim and Jack do in America?

Ex.3 Ask general questions:

1. Are they good pupils?

2. Does Robert run early every morning?

3. Can I take you to the seaside with me?

4. Have my grandparents and I brought many presents?

5. Did she write a letter twenty minutes ago?

Ex.4 Translate:

1. My friend has already sung a song.

2. Robert is cleaning his house now.

3. I will wash the dishes.

4. My family always relaxes in the village in the summer.

5. Grandma made a tasty pie yesterday.

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