СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Complete with the PAST SIMPLE of the verbs : see, not take, have, do, like, be, go, wake up, have, not have.

1)Last sarurday I.... to the museum with my family.

2)We...at eight o'clock.

3)We...breakfast and we left.

4)We... many things at the museum.

5)I...the mummies.

6)I...any photos because

7)I... my camera with me.

8)After the museum, we... lunch at an italian restaurant.

9)It...a wonderful Day!

10)What...you...at the weekend?


Ответ дал: savaseregin

1) Last Saturday I went to the museum with my family.

2) We woke up at eight o'clock.

3) We had breakfast and we left.

4) We saw many things at the museum.

5) I liked the mummies.

6) I didn't take any photos because I didn't have my camera with me.

7) I didn't have my camera with me.

8) After the museum, we had lunch at an Italian restaurant.

9) It was a wonderful day!

10) What did you do at the weekend?

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