1. Put the dialogue in correct order.
Hi, Ana. Would you like to come to the skate
park this afternoon? My brother is going
to teach us how to skateboard.
Oh, I'm so sorry. That's a shame!
Poor you! . But cheer up! If I enjoy it, we can
all go with you next week!
Hi, Julie. Sorry, but I can't.
Thanks, Julie. You're good friends.
I have to revise for the Maths test. I really want
to get a good mark this time!
I know. I'd really love to learn to skateboard!.
Why? What's the matter?



Ответ дал: 500boxesbs


1. Hi, Ana. Would you like to come to the skate park this afternoon? My brother is going to teach us how to skateboard.

2. I have to revise for the Maths test. I really want to get a good mark this time!

3. Oh, I'm so sorry. That's a shame! Why? What's the matter?

4. Poor you! But cheer up! If I enjoy it, we can all go with you next week!

5. Thanks, Julie. You're good friends.


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