1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 Iskander lost his phone yesterday. It was Iskander 2 Ella is getting her hair cut tomorrow. It's tomorrow 3 His grandparents moved to New Zealand last y It's New Zealand 4 My brother wasn't born until 2010. It wasn't until 5 Nick has been learning to ride a motorbike. It's a 6 I have guitar lessons on Saturday mornings. It's on 7 We saw Roberto at the club last night. It was Roberto 8 They don't enjoy watching sci-fi films. It's sci-fi films​



Ответ дал: crazysasha197


не уверенна что правильно


1. It was Iskander who lost his phone yesterday

2. It's tomorrow when Ella is getting her hair cut.

3. It's New Zealand where his grandparents moved last year.

4. It wasn't until 2010 that my brother was born

5.It's a motorbike Nick has been learning to ride

6. It's on Saturday morning when I have my guitar lessons.

7. It was Roberto who we saw in the club last night.

8.It's sci-fi films they don't enjoy watching

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