Complete the gaps with correct form of have smth done
My mum... her hair... once a week(cut)
Her dad... his car... every week (wash)
They... their holiday... next week(book)
When.. she ... her roof ... in the nearest future (fix)
I ... just my cake ... .(order)


Ответ дал: safronyukmisha

My mum... her hair... once a week (is cut).

Her dad... his car... every week (is washed).

They... their holiday... next week (are booking).

When... she ... her roof ... in the nearest future (is fixing).

I ... just my cake ... (have ordered).

Ответ дал: yaryna0302
My mum has her hair cut once a week.

Her dad has his car washed every week.

They are having their holiday booked next week.

When is she going to have her roof fixed in the nearest future?

I have just ordered my cake.
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