варіанти відповідей the hotel door was locked the hotel door was broken they found out they had left the key they found out they had to walk for a long time Запитання 5 The men decided to... варіанти відповідей go back to the theatre sleep in the hall sleep in their room give a hard time to the hotel clerk Запитання 6 On the way to their room one of them ... варіанти відповідей told jokes fell down cried fell asleep Запитання 7 Another man ... варіанти відповідей danced laughed sang played ball Запитання 8 It was a(n) ____ walk up. варіанти відповідей hard simple easy effortless Запитання 9 Peter was asked to tell them a story with a _____ end. варіанти відповідей cheerless positive cheery joyful Запитання 10 The main idea of Peter’s story was: варіанти відповідей "I don' want to go with you' "My story is not very long" "The lifts are not working" "We won't be able to open our room" Запитання 11 Peter would tell a different story if... варіанти відповідей the men were four the lifts were working that evening the clerk had an extra key the men's room was on the forty-fourth floor​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

Запитання 5: The men decided to...

Відповідь: sleep in their room

Запитання 6: On the way to their room one of them...

Відповідь: fell down

Запитання 7: Another man...

Відповідь: laughed

Запитання 8: It was a(n) ____ walk up.

Відповідь: hard

Запитання 9: Peter was asked to tell them a story with a _____ end.

Відповідь: cheerful

Запитання 10: The main idea of Peter’s story was:

Відповідь: "The lifts are not working"

Запитання 11: Peter would tell a different story if...

Відповідь: the lifts were working that evening

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