Complete the sentences

Words: variety, outdoor, experience, skills, growing, making a fire, arranged. leaders.

1. Some people in the Britain have a great...of interests apart from their work


2. They play sports and have fun in many... activities. 3. Some organizations give people a good chance to get... in working with

others. 4. Among them are people, who are training in... 5. The boys and girls learn to work together and complete for prizes in raising farm animals and...crops.

6. The boys and girls are training in..., putting up tents, ...meal ready

as well

as in developing their character. 7. Students of colleges often work as... at childrens' camps.


Ответ дал: zxcartem



1.Some people in Britain have a great variety of interests apart from their work.

2.They play sports and have fun in many outdoor activities.

3.Some organizations give people a good chance to get experience in working with others.

4.Among them are people who are training in skills.

5.The boys and girls learn to work together and compete for prizes in raising farm animals and growing crops.

6.The boys and girls are training in making a fire, putting up tents, and getting a meal ready as well as in developing their character.

7.Students of colleges often work as leaders at children's camps.

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