Для мене це дуже важливо!Англійська мова 6 клас



Ответ дал: kviatkovskaalina0



3. 1would like a cup of coffee with milk and some cookies, please.

a) like b) would like

2. How much pears do you need for the cake?

a) many b) much

3. He is too young to travel without parents.

a) enough b) too

4. The British Isles are washed by - Atlantic Ocean.

a) -, - b) -, the c) the, - d) the, the

5. Hoverla is the highest mountain in Ukraine.

a) high b) higher c) the highest

6. Planes are the most fastest means of transport.

a) faster b) the fastest c) the most fastest

IV. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip. Тут треба заповнити речення


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