Допоможіть, будь ласка вставити пропущені слова
1) I don't agree with..... I think it's a dangerous way of making el
2) Sp... tr.... is a waste of money. Why do we need to send people to the Moon.
3) I couldn't live without my wa.... I have dirty clothes
4) I had to have loads of va... When I went to Malawi. I didn't want to get ill
5) I think ge... en....... is a bit worrying. People might start to only want babies which are beautiful
6) Doctors give people too many an.....
So now , some medicine don't work any more


Ответ дал: amirkhonbakhtiyorov


1) I don't agree with cloning. I think it's a dangerous way of making life.

2) Space travel is a waste of money. Why do we need to send people to the Moon?

3) I couldn't live without my washing machine. I have dirty clothes.

4) I had to have loads of vaccinations when I went to Malawi. I didn't want to get ill.

5) I think genetic engineering is a bit worrying. People might start to only want babies which are beautiful.

6) Doctors give people too many antibiotics. So now, some medicine don't work anymore.

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