Grammar test for the II semester 1. Make the following sentences interrogative: 1. My sister has bought a pair of nice model shoes this month. 2. All the children had returned for the country by the first of September. 3. They will have had dinner by 5 o'clock. II. Choose the right variant: 1. Your food the 8th form a) is still being prepared b) is being prepare c) has still been prepared 2. The event before they arrived home. b) had been reported c) was being reported published 5. -When ? a) reported 3. The new equipment the company. a) ordered b) ordered by d) has been ordered by 4. The Guinness Book of Records a) first published b) has first been published c) was first published d) were first c) ordered was in the 50's. b) be used - In 1950. a) are you born 6. We hope that an a) was arrived 7. Computers can a) use III. Choose the right variant: 1. b) Might you help me with the washing up, please? a) Could c) Should d) Must 2. _use your telephone, please, Mr. Taylor? a) May I b) Should I c) Do I have to drive a car when you're b) are able to 3. In Britain you a) must c) ought to 4. Susan left before the end of the film. She a) had to c) might b) must d) could 5. What ... I to do? Something has to be done about this affair! a) must b) am c) should d) may b) were you born c) have you been born agreement_ b) arrived c) will be arrived at in many fields. c) have used 2022-2023 d) is used d) Must I 6. You... help her. She is your close friend. a) ought b) may c) should d) have 7. ... you have another cup of tea? No, thank you. a) Need b) May c) Won't d) Must seventeen. d) are allowed to go home early. d) will prepare yet d) has been reported d) did you born d) will arrive​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. Interrogative:

1. Has my sister bought a pair of nice model shoes this month?

2. Had all the children returned from the country by the first of September?

3. Will they have had dinner by 5 o'clock?

2. Choose the right variant:

1. Your food for the 8th form is still being prepared.

2. The event was reported before they arrived home.

3. The new equipment was ordered by the company.

4. The Guinness Book of Records was first published in the 50s.

5. When were you born?

6. We hope that an agreement will be arrived at in many fields.

7. Computers can be used in many ways.

3. Choose the right variant:

1. Could you help me with the washing up, please?

2. May I use your telephone, please, Mr. Taylor?

3. In Britain, you should drive on the left.

4. Susan left before the end of the film. She could have missed the ending.

5. What should I do? Something has to be done about this affair!

6. You should help her. She is your close friend.

7. May you have another cup of tea? No, thank you.

На всякий случай перевод:

1. Вопросительная форма:

1. Купила ли моя сестра пару хороших модных туфель в этом месяце?

2. Вернулись ли все дети из деревни к 1 сентября?

3. Будут ли они обедать к 5 часам?

2. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Ваша еда для 8 класса все еще готовится.

2. Событие было сообщено до того, как они прибыли домой.

3. Новое оборудование было заказано компанией.

4. Книга рекордов Гиннесса была первоначально опубликована в 50-х годах.

5. Когда вы родились?

6. Мы надеемся, что во многих областях будет достигнуто соглашение.

7. Компьютеры могут использоваться во многих направлениях.

3. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Не могли бы вы помочь мне с мытьем посуды, пожалуйста?

2. Можно мне воспользоваться вашим телефоном, пожалуйста, мистер Тейлор?

3. В Британии вы должны ездить на левой стороне дороги.

4. Сьюзан ушла до конца фильма. Она могла пропустить концовку.

5. Что мне делать? Что-то должно быть сделано в этом деле!

6. Вы должны помочь ей. Она ваш близкий друг.

7. Можете ли вы выпить еще одну чашку чая? Нет, спасибо.

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