1 Read the text. Answer the questions. Write: Sue (S), Sue's sister (SS), Sue's mother (SM) or Sue's father (SF).
1.Who likes hip hop? _
2.Who wants to be a composer? _
3.Who is a professional musician? _ and _
4.Who doesn't like jazz?_
5.Who plays the saxophone? _
6.Who plays the violin? _
7.Who thinks Julia Fischer is a great musician?_
8.Who performs at festivals? _ and _

Mect Sue Gilbert
Sue Gilbert is 13. She can play the volin, the piano and
the drums. She has music lessons at school, and one day
she wants to be a professional musician. Ned McFariane
talks to har
Sue, what types of music do you like?
I enjoy all types of music: hip hop, jazz, rock, ap,
reggae and classical, but one day I want to write
masic for the cinema. love the manic of Ennio
Morricone, and I think Radishend also write
brilliant music for the cinema
Do the other metabers of your family like music?
Yes, they do. My parents are professional
musicians. My rauss is a famous singer. She sings
with a jazz baad, and my dad plays the saxophone
in the same band My sister plays the trumpet, but
she doesn't like jazz. She prefers classical music,
and her favourite musician is the violinist Julia
Do you go to any music festivals?
Yes I do. Of course, my parents perform at festivals
all over the world, but never in the suminer
holidays. That's when they take my sister and I to
festivals in Britain and Europe. We go to a lot of
concerts. For example, last weekend Dad and I went
to hear Jan Garbarek
Can you tell our readers something about
Garbarek? Few young people know about him.
He's a brilliant jazz musician, but he also plays
New Age music. He's the greatest!


Ответ дал: MargAnyakkaunttopchi
1) Sue likes hip hop and all types of music.
2) Sue wants to be a composer.
3) Sue's parents are professional musicians. Sue's mother is a famous singer who sings with a jazz band and her father plays the saxophone in the same band.
4)Sue's sister (SS) doesn't like jazz.
5) Sue doesn't mention playing the saxophone, but her father plays it.
6) Sue plays the violin.
7) Sue's sister (SS) thinks Julia Fischer is a great musician.
8) Sue's parents (SM and SF) perform at festivals all over the world.
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