Task 1. Reading
Read the email and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
My favourite teacher
I enjoy school. I have a small group of really good friends and
some great teachers. My favourite teacher is Miss Greenfeld, the
art teacher, because she makes the class interesting for all of us
- even those who don't like art.
Miss Greenfeld is a tall, slim woman in her late twenties. She
has wavy brown hair down to her shoulders. Her face is oval-
shaped and she has a small nose and big brown eyes. She always
wears eye makeup and her eyelashes look really long. Miss
Greenfeld usually wears jeans and amazing tops in beautiful
colours which she makes herself. She always wears long silver
earrings and several rings on her fingers. In the summer she
wears sandals and in the winter she wears boots.
Lots of people like Miss Greenfeld. She is energetic and she
smiles a lot. She encourages us to work hard. She's very patient
with us and honest about our work without being unkind. She
gets cross when students don't make any effort in her class and
just chat to each other, which is understandable.
I feel very lucky to have such a great teacher. I want to study art
when I leave school and be an art teacher. Miss Greenfeld is a
great role model.
1. None of the students like art.
2. Miss Greenfeld's hair isn't straight.
3. Miss Greenfeld is usually cheerful.
4. Miss Greenfeld never gets upset.
5. The writer wants to be a teacher.


Ответ дал: pashokok900

1. F (The writer mentions that some students don't like art, but not all of them.)

2. T

3. T

4. F (The email says that Miss Greenfeld gets cross when students don't make an effort in her class.)

5. T

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