Use the words in this box to help you: annoyed, energy, good signal, homework, information, permission, work, worse.

1.Yesterday we … from Miss Barber.
2.My dad work for a company that looks at different ways of …
3.The situation is …
4.They have to … from people to build wind farms.
5.My dad … when people refuse.
6.Perhaps your dad can … and pictures.
7.If I go online where I live, I …
8.He’ll email you some information when …


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


1. Yesterday we got annoyed with Miss Barber.

2. My dad works for a company that looks at different ways of saving energy.

3. The situation is worse.

4. They have to get permission from people to build wind farms.

5. My dad gets annoyed when people refuse.

6. Perhaps your dad can show us some pictures.

7. If I go online where I live, I get a good signal.

8. He'll email you some information when he has it.

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