8. You need a ball, some jackets and a bat to play football. true false 9. British people like jogging in the parks to get away from the stress. true false 10. It's not easy to play tennis in the UK as they don't have enough courts for that. true false 11. Rollerblading isn't so popular nowadays in the UK but it's a great way to keep fit. true false 12. Skateboarding is an alternative kind of sports. true false​



Ответ дал: vladputintsa010


Ответ ниже


8. False. To play football, you need a ball and goalposts, but not jackets or a bat. A bat is used in cricket, and jackets are not necessary for football.

9. True. Jogging in parks is a popular form of exercise in the UK and is often seen as a way to reduce stress and enjoy nature.

10. False. There are many tennis courts available in the UK, and tennis is a popular sport played by many people.

11. True. Rollerblading has become less popular in recent years in the UK, but it is still a good form of exercise for those who enjoy it.

12. True. Skateboarding is considered an alternative sport and is popular among young people in the UK and around the world.

Ответ дал: Baxaabu


1 - false

2 - false

3 - true

4 - true

5 - true

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