Card 1
1. What's your dream job?
2. Does your job require a lot of training or experience? What are they?
3. Do you need to be physically strong to do it?
4. What is the future trend of popular jobs?
Card 2
1 What kinds of job are not popular among young people?
2. What do you think is the worst job in the world? Why?
3. What unusual jobs do you know?
4. Would you like to do an unusual job in the future?


Ответ дал: araben007


Card 1

My dream job would be to work as a travel journalist. I love to travel and explore new places, and I also enjoy writing and sharing my experiences with others. It would be amazing to get paid to travel and write about it.

Yes, being a travel journalist requires a lot of training and experience. You need to have excellent writing skills, photography skills, and knowledge of different cultures and languages. It's also important to have experience in journalism, either through a degree or previous work experience.

Being physically strong is not a requirement for being a travel journalist, but it does require a lot of stamina and energy to keep up with all the traveling and exploring.

I think in the future, jobs related to technology and sustainability will be in high demand. With the increasing importance of technology in our lives and the growing awareness of environmental issues, careers in these areas are likely to be popular.

Card 2

I think jobs that are physically demanding or dangerous, such as mining or construction work, are not as popular among young people. These jobs require a lot of hard work and can also be risky.

I think working in a sewer or waste treatment plant would be the worst job in the world. It's dirty, smelly, and not something most people would want to do. It's also important work that keeps our cities clean, so I have a lot of respect for those who do it.

One unusual job I know of is being a professional cuddler. This involves providing platonic physical touch to clients who are seeking comfort or relaxation. It's not a job that everyone would be comfortable with, but it can be a valuable service for some people.

I'm not sure if I would like to do an unusual job in the future, but I'm open to new experiences and opportunities. I think it would be interesting to explore different career paths and see where they lead.

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