Обвести або виписати правильне слово 1. My friends and I are mates/ fans of science-fiction films. 2. I fell because the floor was wet / dark. 3. What time did your parents return / spend home yesterday? 4. I don't like horror films. They're Interesting / scary. 5. We went to the Island / stadium three days ago. The match was brilliant. 6. I was very surprised / sad when I got a message from Chris. He doesn't usually send me messages.15 б​


Ответ дал: araben007


My friends and I are fans of science-fiction films.

I fell because the floor was wet.

What time did your parents return home yesterday?

I don't like horror films. They're scary.

We went to the stadium three days ago. The match was brilliant.

I was very surprised when I got a message from Chris. He doesn't usually send me messages.

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