Чому для шкіл важливіше витрачати гроші на навчальні матеріали, ніж на позакласні заходи».
Бажано на Англійській але не обов'язково 100 балів даю пж пж срочно .​


Ответ дал: Аноним


Schools have a limited budget, and they need to allocate their resources in the most effective way possible. While extracurricular activities can be valuable for students' social and emotional development, investing in educational materials should be a top priority for schools. The quality of educational materials used in the classroom can directly impact the students' academic success. With up-to-date and relevant materials, teachers can provide engaging lessons that help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This can ultimately lead to better test scores and prepare students for higher education. While extracurricular activities have their benefits, they should not come at the expense of the students' academic development. Therefore, it is crucial for schools to prioritize the funding of educational materials over extracurricular activities.

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