4. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use the past simple of the reporting verbs. 1. "Come quickly!" She 2. "Did you arrive at school before eight?" She 3. "How was your spring break?" She 4. "Don't touch my phone!" She 5. "Do you usually cook at home?" She 6. "They had never been to Kyzyl-Kiya until last year" She 7. "Make sure you arrive early!" She 8. "Please don't forget my book." She 9. "Make sure you submit your home assignment by six!" She 10. "Remember to study hard!" She 11. "Where do you want to eat tonight?" She 12. "I usually drink coffee in the mornings." She 13. "Do you like studying English?" She 14. "I'll come and help you on Saturday." She 15. "Please buy some bread on your way home." She​



Ответ дал: daniilgermany
  1. She told me to come quickly.
  2. She asked me if I had arrived at school before eight.
  3. She asked me how my spring break had been.
  4. She told me not to touch her phone.
  5. She asked me if I usually cooked at home.
  6. She said that they had never been to Kyzyl-Kiya until last year.
  7. She told me to make sure I arrived early.
  8. She asked me not to forget her book.
  9. She told me to make sure I submitted my home assignment by six.
  10. She reminded me to study hard.
  11. She asked me where I wanted to eat that night.
  12. She said that she usually drank coffee in the mornings.
  13. She asked me if I liked studying English.
  14. She said that she would come and help me on Saturday.
  15. She asked me to buy some bread on my way home.
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