розповідь моє літо англійською мовою 5 речень срочно! даю 20 балов​


Ответ дал: Jshsjsosjwlduebd
Last summer was an incredible experience for me. I traveled to the breathtaking beaches of Bali, where I enjoyed the warm sun and crystal-clear waters. I also had the chance to explore the rich cultural heritage of the island by visiting ancient temples and attending traditional ceremonies. One of the highlights of my summer was trekking through the lush rainforests and discovering hidden waterfalls. Additionally, I met fascinating people from different parts of the world, forming lifelong friendships. Overall, my summer was filled with unforgettable adventures and cherished memories
Ответ дал: Katosik1213

I like summer very much. In the summer you can walk on the street all day, eat ice cream, go to the water park, but I went to the sea. I love swimming and collecting shells. I already made a whole necklace! I wish summer would never end.


Я очень люблю лето. Летом можно гулять на улице целый день, есть мороженное, ездить в аквапарк, но я поехал(а) на море. Я очень люблю плавать и собирать ракушки. Я уже успел(а) сделать целое ожерелье! Я бы хотел(а) чтобы лето никогда не кончалось.

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