Составить по одному предложению с каждым из слов. Слова: features, wills, crew, audience, persuaded, hire, spreads, wailing, held, ancient, destination, couple, incommon, proud of. Даю 50 баллов (сайт может заглючить и даст 25)


Ответ дал: Sadvokasaidyn201209

Ответ:Our production got a lot of features.

How much wills we did!

My crew will never betray me

Audience keep quiet

They are so persuaded

Boss, maybe u will hire him?

Its so much spreads there

Why are you wailing

I held that piece of pizza until someone stole it

Is that ancient scroll that will give you a lot of powers?

Destination chosen , we will go to karagandy

I cant believe that they are couple

Its so incommon dont be so funny

U did it, Im so proud of you.


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