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Ответ дал: lubovabdualieva


ex1. 2. My brothers are watching TV. 3. Our rabbit is eating its food. 4. The sun is shining. 5. Maria is wearing a coat. 6. You're playing the guitar very well. 7. My best friend is sitting next to me. 8. Our bus is leaving soon. ex2. Во втором упражнение надо предложения из первого упражнения поставить в отрицательную форму. Поэтому после is, are ставите not. ex3. 1. Is it raining outside? No, it is not. 2. Is the sun shining? Yes, it is. 3. Are your friends sitting near you? No, they aren't. 4. Are you wearing jeans? Yes, I am. 5. Are you listening to music at the moment? No, I am not. 6. Are you eatting anything at the moment? No, I'm not.


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