Choose one of the statements below, and then work in two groups.
Group A should think of arguments FOR the statement, and Group B should think of arguments AGAINST the statement. You can use the Ideas provided and the words/phrases in the boxes.
Statement:The Internet has more positive aspects than negative ones.
Think about:
• what people use it for
• how it has improved our lives
•the dangers it involves
•whether it's harmful to people's lives
“steal personal details
inappropriate sites
false information
become addicted
waste time
not socialise
get informed
educational purposes
social media sites
save time
have (easy) access to...
And use third conditional, modal perfect, “if only i wish” in both arguments(for,against)


Ответ дал: sofisonia2609



Group A (Arguments FOR the statement):

1. If only people used the internet responsibly and safely, it would provide numerous positive aspects. For example, individuals can use it to get informed about current events and access a vast amount of knowledge and educational resources. The internet has revolutionized the way we gather information, making it convenient and efficient.

2. If people wish to save time and increase productivity, the internet can be a powerful tool. With just a few clicks, individuals can perform tasks that previously required extensive time and effort, such as online shopping, banking, and communication. Modal Perfect: If people had not had easy access to the internet, they would have spent significantly more time and effort on these activities.

3. If used properly, social media sites can foster connections and facilitate socialization. They enable individuals to stay in touch with friends and family, even over long distances. Social media platforms can also provide a sense of community and support, allowing people to share their thoughts, experiences, and interests with like-minded individuals.

Group B (Arguments AGAINST the statement):

1. If the internet is not used cautiously, it can lead to severe consequences. Hackers can steal personal details and sensitive information, compromising individuals' privacy and security. Modal Perfect: If people had not been cautious about sharing personal details online, they might have fallen victim to identity theft or financial fraud.

2. Inappropriate sites and false information present significant dangers on the internet. If people become addicted to visiting such sites, it can negatively impact their mental health and well-being. Additionally, the spread of false information can distort people's perceptions, leading to misinformation and the perpetuation of harmful beliefs.

3. The internet can be a time-consuming and addictive platform, causing individuals to waste valuable time. If people do not manage their internet usage wisely, they may prioritize online activities over essential tasks or neglect real-world interactions. Modal Perfect: If people had not become addicted to the internet, they would have had more time to engage in meaningful activities and maintain healthier relationships.

Note: While using the third conditional and modal perfect in both arguments, it is important to note that they might not fit seamlessly in every instance. However, I have attempted to incorporate them in a way that aligns with the provided ideas and phrases.

Аноним: Огромное спасибо даже если это и гпт чат а может и нет, но все равно огромное спасибооо
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