1 I'm going to the concert if. I can get a ticket.
2 If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train.
3 I don't want to disturb you if.
4 If you go to bed early tonight,
5 Turn the television off if
6 Tina won't pass her exams if.
7 If I have time tomorrow,
8 We can go to the beach tomorrow if.
9 I'll be surprised if..


Ответ дал: andrey423457



1 I'm going to the concert if I can get a ticket.

2 if you don't hurry, you'll miss the train.

3 I don't want to disturb you if you're busy.

4 If you go to bed early tonight, you'll feel more rested in the morning.

5 Turn the television off if you're not watching it.

6 Tina won't pass her exams if she doesn't study harder.

7 If I have time tomorrow, I'll call you.

8 We can go to the beach tomorrow if the weather is nice.

9 I'll be surprised if she shows up at the party.

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